Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our life in the Slow lane!!! Finally!

It has been sometime since I have done my blog. We are already well into January and I feel like we have hardly done anything. It is actually nice. Our family is at a stand still for once. David got his AA in December and we decided to take a semester off of our crazy life. He is now enjoying hanging out at home with his family and doing projects around the house. Emili and Tashya are doing well.Emili started kindergarten again. She is doing really well with that and is actually reading now. She loves it. She has a lot of energy and is very strong willed. She is very much into dancing and art. She also gets excited about making things in the kitchen with mom when ever she can. Tashya is now speaking in full sentences. She loves to copy everything that Emili does which can be good and have it's negative effects too. She loves to build anything and pour anything liquid on the floor. Potty training is starting up and she is sort of getting the hang of it. Both girls really love to go to Nanna and Papa's house any chance they can get. I am home schooling Emili and still doing a few massages here and there. I also am still selling Home and Garden party stuff and working on my "Shop to Earn" business as well.We are really excited to go for a long awaited trip to Utah to visit David's family and friends. I think 2009 will be good and prosperous for our little family and hopefully getting on the right track. WE hope that it is for you too.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Guess who?

Happy Holidays

Hey there y'all. Christmas is coming and it is just two days away. I am so excited. I get to have my whole family home for the holidays. Jeremy is coming home a few days afterwards however. In church I was given a real cool poem on the birth of Jesus Christ. It came in a stocking with a bag of M&M's and the message was this:

As you look at the M&M candies and turn them you will see
The "M" Becomes a "W"
An "E" and then a "3."
They tell the Christmas story I'm sure it's one you know.
It took place in a stable A long, long time ago.
The "E" is for East where the star shone so bright
The "M" is for the Manager where the baby Jesus slept at night.
The "3" is for the Wisemen, bearing gifts,with which they came.
"W" is for Whorship, Hallelujah!Praise his Name!
So as you eat These candies or share them with a friend,
Remember the meaning of Christmas:
It's a love that never ends

Whatever you believe, I hope that you have a great holiday and vacation. It is a wonderful time to be with family and make new goals for a brand new year.

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Your Cupcake Says You Are Lovable

At parties, you are energetic and outgoing. You really feel comfortable in a crowd.

You hardly have any restraint. You only hold yourself back when absolutely necessary.

The most important thing in your life is fun.

You are laid back, flexible, and easy to get along with. To know you is to care for you.